We invite you to vote on the New European Bauhaus platform until March 27 to support the project in winning the main prize. The project...

Held eco campaign – #itisnottoolate River Bijela 2023
Image #3 Festival of ecology and art, excursion, work action, sports and music program, presentation of an art installation, fun and socializing. All this happened...

#itIsNotTooLate – Seagrass beds
#itIsNotTooLate – Seagrass bedsZostera marina, Zostera noltei and Cymodocea nodosa, their importance for the fish world and the overall ecosystem of the three seas. In...

River Bijela – “IT IS NOT TOO LATE”
Pozivamo vas da nam se pridružite i učestvujete u volonterskoj akciji čišćenja okoliša rijeke Bijele, koja će se održati 25 i 26 travnja 2020. godine.

Three rivers trail Zadar outdoor festival
Zadar Outdoor Festival Zadar celebrats the nature, active life and adventure. From 27th to 30th of April, the sea and the land, the rivers and the mountains...
Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty if only we have the eyes to see them.
John Ruskin about the nature
John Ruskin
Not that I'm looking for, comrade Tito, because I'm a miner and I'm not asking for myself ... When could drag 'the electricity in my village Trtorici.
Alija Sirotanović about the electricity
Alija Sirotanović